How does that feel?

For our design outcome we chose to make a children’s picture book that utilises the format of storytelling to communicate and teach children about Empathy.

Our Picture book is aimed at children who lack or struggle to show or express feelings of empathy, specifically those on the autism spectrum. This book can also provide an educational understanding for children who aren’t on the spectrum also.

The story follows a boy and girl playing dress up and making different emotional associations with the variety of objects they interact with. By addressing complex emotions through simple, clear and expressive visuals our audience can learn through the characters, as they read alone or more importantly share this journey with an adult, role model or
parental figure.

The big difference between our picture book and others is that it is open to interpretation. We chose to use no words in order to help and push our demographic to decide for themselves what the scenarios are and what the narrative provides instead of telling them.

At the end of our story our aim is for the audience to learn through our characters arc what empathy means and the importance of one’s ability to empathize.





Interested in taking this project further? Contact Dr Gareth Furber at